PIM's Healthy Holiday Gift Guide 2.0

We previously shared a healthy holiday gift guide way back in 2019 to give our patients a way to appreciate and show gratitude to their loved ones with gifts that support health. Another holiday season is upon us and we’d like to share several new recommendations for health and wellness-promoting gift ideas.

  1. Subscription to a meditation app — Keep accountable to your meditation practice with a subscription to a mediation app like Headspace, Insight Timer, or Calm. Mindfulness and meditation are effective ways to reduce stress and bring more serenity to our daily lives. These apps often allow collaboration so buddy up with your loved ones to stick to your mindfulness and meditation routines together.

  2. Rose Geranium Essential Oil — Did you know that this essential oil repels ticks? Southeast Pennsylvania is laden with ticks that carry Lyme disease. Gift this oil to protect your loved ones from Lyme disease and also keep them smelling great!

  3. Light Therapy Box — In our area, the sunlight hours are getting shorter, which means for some, an episode of Seasonal Affective Disorder may occur. A lightbox emits light similar to outdoor light exposure (10,000 lux) with minimal UV rays. Exposure to this light each day for 20-30 minutes has been shown to reduce the severity of the seasonal affective disorder. If you know someone dealing with SAD, ask if they may be interested in this gift.

  4. Integrative Medicine Appointments — PIM offers gift certificates on appointment costs! If your loved one has been interested in the integrative medicine approach consider gifting a gift certificate to cover part or all of the cost of an appointment. Gift certificates are 10% off now until December 16th.

    1. Also, check out appointments with:

      1. Village Wellness

      2. Paragon Pain Solutions

      3. Essential PT and Wellness

      4. The Pilates Collective

      5. Energy and Qi Gong with Laura Chalfant

  5. Books — Reading is a relaxing activity that also stimulates the mind. Dr. Tetlow‘s favorites to recommend are In Touch by J. Pendergrast, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, and Mindfulness by Mark Williams.

  6. Supplement Organizer — If you know your loved one has a supplement regimen they follow, help them keep organized with a daily supplement organizer. We like the kind that has slots for the seven days of the weak as well as for AM, Noon, and PM supplements. Keep in mind: our Fullscript supplement sale happens from now until December 1st!

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